There is a huge proliferation of surveillance systems that require strategies for detecting different kinds of stationary foreground objects (e.g., unattended packages or illegally parked vehicles). As these strategies must be able to detect foreground objects remaining static in crowd scenarios, regardless of how long they have not been moving, several algorithms for detecting different kinds of such foreground objects have been developed over the last decades. This paper presents an efficient and high-quality strategy to detect stationary foreground objects, which is able to detect not only completely static objects but also partially static ones. Three parallel nonparametric detectors with different absorption rates are used to detect currently moving foreground objects, short-term stationary foreground objects, and long-term stationary foreground objects. The results of the detectors are fed into a novel finite state machine that classifies the pixels among background, moving foreground objects, stationary foreground objects, occluded stationary foreground objects, and uncovered background. Results show that the proposed detection strategy is not only able to achieve high quality in several challenging situations but it also improves upon previous strategies.