Lateral velocity variations in the near-surface reflect the presence of buried geological or anthropic structures, and their identification is of interest for many fields of application. Surface wave tomography (SWT) is a powerful technique for detecting both smooth and sharp lateral velocity variations at very different scales. A surface-wave inversion scheme derived from SWT is here applied to a 2-D active seismic dataset to characterize the shape of an urban waste deposit in an old landfill, located 15 km South of Vienna (Austria). First, the tomography-derived inverse problem for the 2-D case is defined: under the assumption of straight rays at the surface connecting sources and receivers, the forward problem for one frequency reduces to a linear relationship between observed phase differences at adjacent receivers and wavenumbers (from which phase velocities are straightforwardly derived). A norm damping regularization constraint is applied to ensure a smooth solution in space: the choice of the damping parameter is made through a minimization process, by which only phase variations of the order of the average wavelength are modelled. The inverse problem is solved for each frequency with a weighted least-squares approach, to take into account the data error variances. An independent multi-offset phase analysis (MOPA) is performed using the same dataset, for comparison: pseudo-sections from the tomography-derived linear inversion and MOPA are very consistent, with the former giving a more continuous result both in space and frequency and less artefacts. Local dispersion curves are finally depth inverted and a quasi-2-D shear wave velocity section is retrieved: we identify a well-defined low velocity zone and interpret it as the urban waste deposit body. Results are consistent with both electrical and electromagnetic measurements acquired on the same line.