The existing fleet of nuclear power plants is in the process of extending its lifetime and increasing the power generated from these plants via power uprates. In order to evaluate the impact of these two factors on the safety of the plant, the Risk Informed Safety Margin Characterization (RISMC) project aims to provide insight to decision makers through a series of simulations of the plant dynamics for different initial conditions (e.g., probabilistic analysis and uncertainty quantification). This report focuses, in particular, on the impact of power uprate on the safety margin of a boiling water reactor. The case study considered is a loss of off-site power followed by the possible loss of all diesel generators, i.e., a station black-out (SBO) event. Analysis is performed by using a combination of thermo-hydraulic codes and a stochastic analysis tool currently under development at the Idaho National Laboratory, i.e. RAVEN.Starting from an understanding of possible SBO accident sequences for a typical boiling water reactor, we built the input file for the mechanistic thermal-hydraulics code that models system dynamics under SBO conditions. We also interfaced RAVEN with these codes so that it would be possible to run multiple RELAP simulation runs by changing specific portions of the input files. We both employed classical statistical tools, i.e. Monte-Carlo, and more advanced machine learning based algorithms to perform uncertainty quantification in order to quantify changes in system performance and limitations as a consequence of power uprate. We also employed advanced data analysis and visualization tools that helped us to correlate simulation outcomes such as maximum core temperature with a set of input uncertain parameters.Results obtained give a detailed investigation of the issues associated with a plant power uprate including the effects of SBO accident scenarios. We were able to quantify how the timing of specific events was impacted by a higher nominal reactor core power. Such safety insights can provide useful information to the decision makers to perform risk-informed margins management.ii CONTENTS