Inefficient use of genetic variation among and within breeds of different breeds is an obstacle to enhancing the livestock population in underdeveloped countries. The best productive and adaptable animals for each environment must be identified for breeding objectives. Changing numerous aspects of production is required for successful livestock genetic improvement. In developing countries, genetic improvement efforts are unlikely to succeed unless they are supplemented by better diet, herd health, and management. Improvement strategies that are now taken for granted in developed countries are not implemented in most developing countries. The high expense of such procedures is one of the main reasons for their poor adoption rates. As a result, the economic evaluation of improvement programs is critical. Population increase, market development, technological change, and a shifting resource base are all examples. These dynamics that drive a specific livestock production system, as well as the entire subsector, must be anticipated and identified in development strategies. It is vital to understand the direction and speed with which these elements may change, both at the sectoral and farm levels, for future initiatives to respond appropriately. As a result, improving local cattle genetic value and devising genetic improvement methods accordingly is critical for the country's and sector's long-term development. Insufficient research has negative impacts on different breed types in diverse and dynamic livestock production systems assessment in developing countries, which creates significant knowledge gaps about breed-change interventions. Hence, supporting researchers, research institutions and higher education institutions is crucial to the success of policy in reducing the knowledge gap and strengthening the relationships between the livestock owners and government. Moreover, the development of national livestock strategies, effective policies, and the establishment of breeding cooperatives have an impact on the development and implementation of national livestock strategies for sustainable development.