We use a consistent economic framework to estimate the long-run economic value of wind while including operational constraints for conventional generation and hourly variation in wind and load. Day-ahead forecast errors in wind are corrected in the real-time, after commitment decisions for many thermal generators have already been made. The framework is used to estimate the change in the marginal economic value of wind with increasing penetration in the Rocky Mountain Power Area of the USA. We also evaluate the marginal economic benefit to wind energy of implementing several strategies to manage wind energy variability and uncertainty: more flexible conventional generation, real-time pricing, low cost bulk energy storage, and increased geographic diversity of wind plant siting. Without mitigation, the marginal economic value of wind is found to decrease by $21 MWh (37% of the marginal value of wind at 0% penetration) as wind penetration increases from 0% to 30%. The decline is largely because of the hourly profile of wind output and day-ahead wind energy forecast errors; factors whose impact is reduced by the mitigation strategies. With mitigation, the marginal value of wind at the 30% penetration level is $6-$11 MWh greater than the value without the measures (17-31% increase in value). Although the marginal value of wind energy decreases with increasing penetration in this region, several different types of mitigation strategies are available and should be investigated in more detail. * Supporting information may be found in the online version of this article. † The search algorithm is based on insights from the Benders decomposition method, 24 and its actual implementation is described in more detail in the Supporting Information. The long-run equilibrium is a stable, economically sensible portfolio of resources for a given set of market rules and conditions, but it is not guaranteed to be an optimal portfolio given uncertainties in wind forecasts and other complicating factors. ‡ It is assumed that the resources that can be used to meet ancillary service targets (regulation, spinning reserve and non-spinning reserve) and the energy market are co-optimized. The ancillary service prices therefore reflect any opportunity cost related to providing ancillary services rather than energy. Storage is treated similar to thermal generation and hydro in that it can offer regulation, spinning reserve and non-spinning reserve. Pumped hydro is assumed to not have a binding ramp-rate limit.* Additional details regarding the method for simulating hydro dispatch and the key hydro parameters are described in the Supplemental Information. † The elasticity used in the reference scenario was 0.001, one hundred times less elastic than the assumed price elasticity in the real-time-pricing sensitivity scenario.