Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) is one of the higher thinking skills that must be possessed in 21st-century education. HOTS is a higher cognitive level of humans thinking in explaining concepts, thinking logically, and solving problems. The purpose of this study is to describe HOTS students based on several indicators of scientific reasoning as one of the models of evaluation of innovative learning at the college level, specifically in the field of science. The research method uses quantitative and qualitative descriptive research using a design explanatory where an explanation of the qualitative data will follow the data description of the quantitative data. This research involved 32 students majoring in Physics education at Musamus University Merauke who had or were programming introductory physics courses. The data collection technique uses in the form of a test essay followed and evaluated extensively using the scientific reasoning indicator. The results of the study indicated that students have an entry-level HOTS category based on criteria at the scientific reasoning level. This is evidenced by the acquisition of a percentage 62.5% of students' HOTS abilities at the beginner level. As many as 25% of students' HOTS abilities are at a competent level. As many as 12.5% of students' HOTS abilities are at the professional level. Interview data reinforced the gain to several students that they did not yet have a good page in evaluating the HOTS level integrated scientific reasoning problem.