We have investigated the structural properties of the near-surface region of various types of HX (X ¼ Cl, Br)doped H 2 O ice from a kinetic point of view by monitoring the time dependent [HX] in the interface region using the fast titration reaction XONO 2 + HX ! X 2 + HNO 3 . These '' dope and probe '' experiments reveal that HX is located throughout a well-defined region of thickness I readily available for titration. At 190 K and a dose of 10 16 molecules corresponding to one HCl monolayer condensed onto a typically 1 mm thick ice sample, we measured I HCl ¼ 90 AE 9, 120 AE 15 and 90 AE 30 nm for single crystalline (SC), condensed (C) and frozen liquid water or bulk (B) ices, respectively, with I HCl increasing by up to a factor of two with a tenfold increase in HCl dose. The corresponding values for HBr at the same temperature are I HBr ¼ 20 AE 2, 30 AE 4 and 30 AE 4 nm. In addition, we have determined the bulk diffusion coefficient in bulk ice for HX, D HX , by applying Fick's second law of diffusion that results in values for D HCl and D HBr in the range 5.1Á10 À14 -4.3Á10 À13 cm 2 s À1 and 2.5Á10 À15 -7.0Á10 À14 cm 2 s À1 , respectively, depending on the type of ice in the temperature range 190-205 K. The consequences of these results for heterogeneous reactions on ice particles such as Cirrus clouds, contrails and PSC's type II are discussed.