This paper provides an updated understanding of the reservoir stratigraphy, sedimentology, palaeogeography and diagenesis of the Upper Permian Hauptdolomit Formation of the Zechstein Supergroup ("Hauptdolomit") in a study area on the southern margin of the Mid North Sea High. The paper is based on the examination and description of core and cuttings data from 25 wells which were integrated with observations based on existing and new 3D seismic.Based on thin-section petrography of cuttings and core from the wells studied, it is evident that Hauptdolomit microfacies are distributed in a relatively predictable way, and well-defined platform interior, platform margin, slope and basin settings can be distinguished. Platform margins are typically characterised by the development of ooid shoals and, to a lesser-extent, by microbial build-ups. High-energy back-shoal settings are characterised by a more complex combination of peloid grainstones, thrombolitic and microbial build-ups, and fine crystalline dolomites. Lower energy lagoons which developed further behind the platform margin are characterised by a variety of microfacies types; fine crystalline dolomites are common in this setting as well as peloidal facies and local microbial build-ups. Intertidal and supratidal settings are typified by increased proportions of anhydrite and the development of laminated microbial bindstones (stromatolites). Platform margins are in general relatively steep and pass into slope and basinal settings. Only a few wells have penetrated Hauptdolomit successions deposited in a slope setting, and these successions are characterised by a range of resedimented shallow-water facies together with low-energy laminated dolomicrites and fine crystalline dolomites. Slope zones in the study area are interpreted from seismic data to be typically 1-1.5 km in width. Basinal Hauptdolomit deposits have been strongly affected by post-depositional diagenesis and are dedolomitised to variable degrees. The original depositional facies are rarely preserved.Diagenetic studies show that dolomitisation has affected almost the entire Hauptdolomit Formation throughout the study area in both basinal and platform settings. The dolomite is considered to result from seepage-reflux processes and is an early diagenetic phase. Mouldic porosity is present in many facies types as a result of dissolution, especially in ooid grainstones,