“…While learning ecologies have mostly described combinations of formal, non‐formal and informal learning (Wilkinson, Kemmis, Hardy, & Edwards‐Groves, ) some studies have applied the term only to formal learning (Richardson, ). Moreover, the term has been used in several areas of study in education, including technologies and gender (Barron, ), ICT skills development (Barron, ), collaborative learning (Hodgson & Spours, ), designs for learning with technologies (Luckin, ), resources to learn for people who are homeless (Strohmayer, Comber, & Balaam, ), teachers’ professional development (Sangrà, Gonzalez‐Sanmamed, & Guitert, ; van den Beemt & Diepstraten, ), personalized learning and lifelong learning (Maina & García, ), youth civic engagement (Adedayo Ige, ) and ubiquitous learning in higher education (Díez‐Gutiérrez & Díaz‐Nafría, ).…”