This research was conducted to examine the role of organizational learning culture in moderating of OCB on knowledge sharing behavior. It was based on survey of 100 community facilitators. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypothesis. The results showed that OCB had a significant effect on knowledge sharing behavior, but this correlation was weak. It was also found that Organizational learning culture as a strong significant moderator of OCB toward knowledge sharing behavior. Sportmanship to receive a duty from the organization was the main reason for facilitators to share their knowledge. The existence of empowering people from these organizations had encouraged them to receive a duty as a form of responsibility from the organization so they provide to share their knowledge with their colleagues. Therefore, organizational learning culture had an important role to OCB on knowledge sharing behavior. There was another factor determining of knowledge sharing behavior that unreachable in this study so for future research may investigated such as job attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral of control, etc. Moderating role of Organizational learning culture may develop to other variable on knowledge sharing behavior.