The aim of this study is to clarify the mediating role of attitudes towards digital technology in the relationship between digital citizenship in social studies class and motivation, and to provide an important perspective for educators. The research was conducted using a correlational survey model to reveal the relationships between digital citizenship in social studies class, motivation, and attitudes towards digital technology. The study group consisted of 409 sixth and seventhgrade students attending a public school affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in Oltu district, Erzurum, during the 2022-2023 academic year. The sample size was determined using disproportionate stratified sampling technique, with a sufficiency level of 95% confidence, calculated as a minimum of 374. Accordingly, the target was to reach 420 students. However, due to some missing data during the data collection process, data from 409 students were used. After eliminating 21 data with outlier characteristics, 388 valid data were used for the analysis. Of the participating students, 212 (51.8%) were male, and 197 (48.2%) were female. The Digital Citizenship Scale, Social Studies Class Motivation Scale, and Attitudes Towards Digital Technology Scale were used for data collection in the study. Descriptive statistics, including means and coefficients, were used for data analysis. The data collected in the study were analyzed using SPSS 20 and Lisrel 8.8 software packages. The relationships between digital citizenship, motivation in social studies class, and attitudes towards digital technology were tested using Structural Equation Modeling. The study found that attitudes towards digital technology play a significant partial mediating role in the relationship between digital citizenship and motivation in social studies class.