The fashion industry is a major contributor to environmental damage, par cularly through fast fashion prac ces. Collabora ve Fashion Consump on (CFC) has emerged as a promising form of sustainable consump on. Studies on CFC have primarily focused on consumer mo va on, inten on, drivers, and barriers, as well as apparel disposal behavior (ADB), with li le a en on being given to the poten al impact of personality traits on CFC adop on. This review paper takes a holis c approach to examine the impact of personality traits, par cularly the Five-Factor Model, on CFC and apparel disposal behavior (ADB). By integra ng these different parameters, the paper aims to provide insights into how CFC can be posi oned to appeal to consumers based on their individual personality traits, offering prac cal guidance for the fashion industry to reduce its environmental impact. The paper provides a comprehensive understanding of CFC adop on and its poten al impact on the fashion industry's sustainability.