This paper investigates the impact of various ultrafine powders on the flow characteristics and mechanical properties of concrete, with the aim of enhancing its overall performance. Examine the compressive and flexural strengths of cement, establish distinct matching ratios, and clarify the actual mixing quantity of silica fume and ultrafine powder. Analyze the durability of concrete structures and propose causes for carbonation and formation of concrete. Obtain the durability evaluation indexes, propose the variable weight fuzzy comprehensive judgment method, and establish the durability evaluation system for ultrafine powder concrete buildings. When the on-site test results for reinforcement corrosion, concrete strength, carbonation depth, cracks, and damage degree are added together, the values of each assessment vector of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation are found. This lets us figure out the bridge’s durability grade. The highest compressive degree was achieved by both ultrafine silica-aluminum material and ultrafine mineral fishery powder at a 20% dosage. The submicron silica material achieved the highest compressive strength with a 40% dosage. In the test and analysis of the ultrafine powder concrete bridge building structure, the fuzzy comprehensive judgment grade is III. That is, there is a certain degree of damage state, and measures must be taken, which is consistent with the field test results.