González C., Jorge L.; Palacios R., Jairo J.; Perea S., Julio A. (2017). La intelidencia de negocios y su rol en la agilidad organizacional. 239-258. ISSN 1900-0642 La inteligencia de negocios y su rol en la agilidad organizacional
241En cuanto a BI, se denota la evolución en los conceptos de madurez, técnicas y tecnologías analíticas, recursos implicados y su impacto estratégico. En tanto que sobre agilidad organizacional se abarcan la definición del concepto y los factores que la promueven, haciendo un especial énfasis en los factores comunes entre la AO y BI. Se encuentra una relación positiva en doble vía, es decir, la AO se ve favorecida con los proyectos de BI, pero a su vez las compañías ágiles tienen un mejor aprovechamiento de las bondades de la inteligencia de negocios.
PALABRAS CLAVEAgilidad organizacional, factores críticos de éxito, inteligencia de negocios.
CLASIFICACIÓN JEL M00, M10, M15, M19ABSTRACT Business Intelligence (BI) is one of the business tools on which competitive advantages of various world-class companies are based. Also in the highly competitive and changing global environment, the ability of an organization to detect changes, make decisions and to do a fast implementation, is the difference between grow or disappear; this attribute in an organization is named Organizational Agility (AO). In this paper, through the systematic review of the literature, the state of art of both fields (BI and AO) is established and in particular studies examining the relationship between the two. The research about this relation is beginning, and therefore is a field with much to explore. About BI, its evolution is denoted on the concepts of maturity, technical and analytical technologies. Referring to organizational agility, the concept is reviewed as such and factors that promote, with special emphasis on the factors for the couple of concepts. The conclusion is that a positive relationship is two-way, the AO is favored with BI projects in BI mature companies, and agile enterprises obtain better results of BI.