“…For example, one "expert" high school algebra schema is for "river problems," describing movement of a boat with and against a current (VanLehn, 1989 (Mayer, 1982). In order to capture this relevant quantitative structure independent of the surface context, a number of network notations have been developed (Hall, Kibler, Wenger, & Truxaw, 1989;Reed, 1987;Reed, Dempster, & Ettinger, 1985;Shalin & Bee, 1985 For complex problems that involve more that one triad, problem structure describes the way that these triads are linked. Shalin and Bee found that many two-step word problems could be classified as an exemplar of one of three linked structures--hierarchy, shared-whole, shared-part--and that these problem structures had an effect on problem difficulty.…”