“…This can be prevented if the molecular movement during the reaction is relatively small and the atoms forming photoproduct occupy similar positions in a crystal, if there is a lot of free space around reaction center and/or if the crystal has a high elasticity. , In the studied cases, the volume of the unit cell changed after irradiation by 1.3, 1.0, 1.1, and 0.5% for Cr at 10 K, Cr , Co , and Rh at 150 K, respectively. These relatively small changes suggest rather little strain in the crystals when nitrito isomers are formed. , Crystal structures data gathered in Table S1 show that in case of Cr and Rh the quality of the crystal is maintained during irradiation, e.g., for crystal of Rh the R int value increased by 0.83% point (from 5.34 to 6.17%) and the number of observed reflections decreased by about 0.65% (from 7502 to 7452 reflections) after irradiation for 240 min. In the case of Co , however, a strong decrease of the crystal quality was observed after crystal irradiation and relaxation back to the ground state, i.e., the R int value increased by 8.86% point (from 5.42% through 7.23% after irradiation to 14.28% after relaxation) and the number of observed reflections decreased by 39% (from 7125 through 5526 to 4322 reflections).…”