Artificial intelligence has been transforming every field of life. It's critical to comprehend how artificial intelligence affects foreign language learning. Artificial intelligence can improve real-time feedback and individualized learning experiences, which may boost student motivation. The study assesses students' artificial intelligence literacy and English language learning motivation levels. Data were gathered through in-person surveys from 397 participants using the Artificial Intelligence Literacy and the English Language Learning Motivation Scales. The findings showed that English language learning motivation (65.02) and literacy in artificial intelligence (61.95) were above average. There were statistically significant positive correlations between total scores of English language learning motivation and artificial intelligence literacy (p < 0.01). These results imply that a greater motivation to learn English is related to a better level of artificial intelligence literacy. Also, incorporating artificial intelligence into language instruction can improve students' motivation and engagement. More research to examine other variables impacting this relationship is also needed. The results may offer insightful information to educators and legislators who seek to enhance artificial intelligence literacy and foreign language instruction in a quickly changing educational environment.