This paper explores the design, implementation, and evaluation of an educational game in the context of computer science education, using a Role-Playing Game (RPG) format and deploying it through a metaverse platform. Although gamification and game-based learning have shown promise in raising student motivation and engagement, the integration of the metaverse into these educational games has yet to be fully explored. This study fills this gap by describing the development of an RPG educational game, with a particular emphasis on the compilers design unit of a Computer Science course. The game incorporates educational elements alongside gameplay components to capitalize on the inherent motivation that games inspire. This study explores the feasibility of using widely available platforms like Gather and Google Docs Editor to develop interactive and engaging learning experiences, drawing on the literature on games, play, motivation, and the potential of the metaverse in education. Additionally, the research seeks to analyse student feedback through thematic analysis, providing insights into the utility and educational value of the game. This study contributes to the educational game design field by investigating the use of metaverse platforms for educational game design and evaluating students' opinions. It also offers advice for educators and instructional designers in improving online learning experiences.