“… 4 , 5 Harnessing the full breadth of pharmacists' ability to contribute to optimising antimicrobial use is a view held within the pharmacy sector's policy, academic and professional spheres, 6 and is promoted through the profession's peak organization's position statements on AMS 7 and professional publications. 8 These publications position the breadth of community pharmacists' AMS contribution within a ‘guardian and gatekeeper’ 6 framework – fulfilling an information broker role to promote public awareness and understanding of the need for optimal antimicrobial use; coupled with performing a triage function to support individuals with minor ailments to determine if a general practitioner consultation, and potential antimicrobial is required. 6 This positioning likely reflects the nature of contemporary pharmacy practice, which has shifted beyond a process orientated service, to one that encompasses professional service delivery - evidenced most strongly in supportive AMS practices such as pharmacy-based vaccination services that have become a mainstay globally.…”