We study the scaling with the number of colors N c of the weak amplitudes mediating kaon mixing and decay, in the limit of light charm masses (m u = m d = m s = m c ). The amplitudes are extracted directly on the lattice for N c = 3 − 7 (with preliminar results for N c = 8 and 17) using twisted mass QCD. It is shown that the (sub-leading) 1/N c corrections toB K are small and that the naive N c → ∞ limit,B K = 3/4, seems to be recovered. On the other hand, the O (1/N c ) corrections in K → ππ amplitudes (derived from K → π matrix elements) are large and fully anti-correlated in the I = 0 and I = 2 channels. This may have some implications for the understanding of the ∆I = 1/2 rule.