Investigate how people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)—an example of a progressive, potentially fatal illness—are using digital technologies (DTs) to address illness experiences, outcomes and social connectedness.
Materials and Methods
A transformative mixed methods study was conducted in Canada with people with COPD (n = 77) or with a progressive lung condition (n = 6). Stage-1 interviews (n = 7) informed the stage-2 survey. Survey responses (n = 80) facilitated the identification of participants for stage-3 interviews (n = 13). The interviews were thematically analyzed. Descriptive statistics were calculated for the survey. The integrative mixed method analysis involved mixing between and across the stages.
Most COPD participants (87.0%) used DTs. However, few participants frequently used DTs to self-manage COPD. People used DTs to seek online information about COPD symptoms and treatments, but lacked tailored information about illness progression. Few expressed interest in using DTs for self- monitoring and tracking. The regular use of DTs for intergenerational connections may facilitate leaving a legacy and passing on traditions and memories. Use of DTs for leisure activities provided opportunities for connecting socially and for respite, reminiscing, distraction and spontaneity.
Discussion and Conclusion
We advocate reconceptualizing consumer health technologies to prioritize quality of life for people with a progressive, potentially fatal illness. “Quality of life informatics” should focus on reducing stigma regarding illness and disability and taboo towards death, improving access to palliative care resources and encouraging experiences to support social, emotional and mental health. For DTs to support people with fatal, progressive illnesses, we must expand informatics strategies to quality of life.