“…Finally, ST preservice teachers selected a featured student, who they were required to monitor closely throughout the instruction of the unit, investigate the case more in-depth in the area of daily performance, reflect on their contribution to the P-5 student's learning achievement, and provide communication with parents. These critical reflections, aligning closely with our College of Education motto, Reflective Teachers for Diverse Learners (College of Education, n.d.) and following a process emphasized widely in teacher preparation programs (Darling-Hammond, Hammerness, Grossman, Rust, & Shulman, 2006;Dunphy, 2010;Good & Whang, 2002;Myers, 2013;Sims & Walsh, 2009), provided evidence of preservice teachers' professional development. This reflection process allowed preservice teachers to consciously examine their practices and the effects on their featured P-5 students, thus contributing to their significant Downloaded by [Yale School of Medicine] at 13:00 25 July 2015…”