The paper addresses a kind of non-autonomous nonlocal parabolic equations when the external force contains hereditary characteristics involving bounded and unbounded delays. First, well-posedness of the problem is analyzed by the Galerkin method and energy estimations in the phase space C ρ (X). Moreover, some results related to strong solutions are proved under suitable assumptions. The existence of stationary solutions is then established by a corollary of the Brower fixed point theorem. By constructing appropriate Lyapunov functionals in terms of the characteristic delay terms, a deep analysis on stability and attractiveness of the stationary solutions is established. Furthermore, the existence of pullback attractors in L 2 (Ω), with bounded and unbounded delays, is shown. We emphasize that, to prove the existence of pullback attractors in the unbounded delay case, a new phase space, E γ , has to be constructed.