Recent advances in microcantilever-based sensors have led to a significant increase in sensitivity, making them a competitive solution in highly demanding applications as explosives detection. However, these sensors face severe challenges related to: reliability, sensitivity, reproducibility and throughput; that have yet to be solved for commercial applications. This paper describes our efforts in this direction, particularly on the reproducible detection of nitroaromatic type explosives by means of parallelization combined with: i) nanoporous solids as sensing materials; and, ii) a portable lowpower electronic readout interface capable of both excitation and measurement of the multisensing platform. The response of the sensor array, comprising 4 microcantilevers, due to presence of 2-nitrotoluene, a common explosive taggant, has been properly monitored. The obtained results with 4 identical Co-BEA coated Si microcantilevers underline the importance of a proper sensing material degassing on the sensor performance.