We study the algebraic geometry of twisted Higgs bundles of cyclic type along complex curves. These objects, which generalize ordinary cyclic Higgs bundles, can be identified with representations of a cyclic quiver in a twisted category of coherent sheaves. Referring to the Hitchin fibration, we produce a fibre-wise geometric description of the locus of such representations within the ambient twisted Higgs moduli space. When the genus is 0, we produce a concrete geometric identification of the moduli space as a vector bundle over an associated (twisted) A-type quiver variety; we count the number of points at which the cyclic moduli space intersects a Hitchin fibre; and we describe explicitly certain C × -flows into the nilpotent cone. We also extend this description to moduli of certain twisted cyclic quivers whose rank vector has components larger than 1. We show that, for certain choices of underlying bundle, such moduli spaces decompose as a product of cyclic quiver varieties in which each node is a line bundle.Definition 2.1. An L-twisted Higgs bundle on X is a pair (E, Φ), where E is a holomorphic vector bundle on X and Φ is a vector bundle morphism Φ :for all proper subbundles F of E which satisfy Φ(F ) ⊆ F ⊗ L (this condition is known as Φ-invariance). We will sometimes denote µ(E) by µ tot . The data of Φ is commonly referred to as a Higgs field for E.Definition 2.2. We say that two (twisted) Higgs bundles (E, Φ) and (E ′ , Φ ′ ) on X are equivalent if there exists a vector bundle isomrophism Ψ : E ∼ = → E ′ for which Φ = ΨΦ ′ Ψ −1 .