The double distribution function approach is an efficient route toward an extension of kinetic solvers to compressible flows. With a number of realizations available, an overview and comparative study in the context of high-speed compressible flows is presented. We discuss the different variants of the energy partition, analyses of hydrodynamic limits, and a numerical study of accuracy and performance with the particles on demand realization. Out of three considered energy partition strategies, it is shown that the nontranslational energy split requires a higher-order quadrature for proper recovery of the Navier-Stokes-Fourier equations. The internal energy split, on the other hand, while recovering the correct hydrodynamic limit with fourth-order quadrature, comes with a nonlocal—both in space and time—source term that contributes to higher computational cost and memory overhead. Based on our analysis, the total energy split demonstrates the optimal overall performance.
Published by the American Physical Society