The stabilizing effect of finite amplitude streaks on the linear growth of unstable perturbations ͓Tollmien-Schlichting ͑TS͒ and oblique waves͔ is numerically investigated by means of the nonlinear parabolized stability equations. We have found that for stabilization of a TS-wave, there exists an "optimal" spanwise spacing of the streaks. These streaks reach their maximum amplitudes close to the first neutral point of the TS-wave and induce the largest distortion of the mean flow in the unstable region of the TS-wave. For such a distribution, the required streak amplitude for complete stabilization of a given TS-wave is considerably lower than for  = 0.45, which is the optimal for streak growth and used in previous studies. We have also observed a damping effect of streaks on the growth rate of oblique waves in Blasius boundary layer and for TS-waves in Falkner-Skan boundary layers.In boundary-layer flows, the transition from a laminar state to a turbulent one is usually caused by growth and breakdown of small amplitude perturbations. For a long time, the common understanding has been that any kind of flow perturbation inside the boundary layer has a promoting effect on transition. However, a number of recent studies 1-4 have indicated that certain types of perturbations inside the boundary layer can postpone the laminar-turbulent transition. A general feature of these perturbations seems to be a modification of mean velocity profile to a more stable one. In two-dimensional mean flows, these are streaky structures that create regions of alternating negative and positive streamwise velocity perturbations. Streaks are usually found inside the boundary layers subjected to high free-stream turbulence. A damping effect of moderate amplitude free-stream turbulence on Tollmien-Schlichting ͑TS͒ waves has been observed in some experiments. 5 Numerical investigations of Cossu and Brandt 2 showed a clear stabilizing effect of streaks on growth of TS waves in Blasius flow. They reported an increasing damping effect with increasing streak amplitude. These results were later verified by experimental works of Fransson et al., 3 who generated the streaks by means of small roughness elements. Recently, Fransson et al. 4 also showed that these streaks can truly delay the transition. Here, the transition was triggered by means of highamplitude two-dimensional disturbances generated through random suction and blowing at the wall. These new results have received great attention; e.g., Ref. 6. However, in all these studies, both experimental and numerical, a single spanwise spacing ͑ = 0.45͒ of streaks has been used, which corresponds to the most growing streaks. Therefore, we aim to investigate whether other distributions of streaks are more efficient for stabilizing TS-waves, so that a lower streak amplitude would be required for transition delay. This is important because the amplitude of the streaks should not exceed the threshold for secondary instability and instead promoting the transition to turbulence. The present work is...