YbbN/CnoX are proteins that display a Trx domain linked to a tetratricopeptide (TPR) domain, which are involved in protein-protein interactions and protein folding processes. YbbN from Escherichia coli (EcYbbN) displays a co-chaperone (holdase) activity that is induced by HOCl (bleach). EcYbbN contains a SQHC motif within the Trx domain and displays no thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase activity.EcYbbN also presents a second Cys residue at Trx domain (Cys63) 24 residues away from SQHF motif that can form mixed disulfides with substrates. Here, we compared EcYbbN with two other YbbN proteins: from Xylella fastidiosa (XfYbbN) and from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PaYbbN). While EcYbbN displays two Cys residues along a SQHC[N24]C motif; XfYbbN and PaYbbN present two and three Cys residues in the CAPC[N24]V and CAPC[N24]C motifs, respectively. These three proteins are representatives of evolutionary conserved YbbN subfamilies. In contrast to EcYbbN, both XfYbbN and PaYbbN: (1) reduced an artificial disulfide (5,5′-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) = DTNB); and (2) supported the peroxidase activity of Peroxiredoxin Q from X. fastidiosa, suggesting that in vivo these proteins might function similarly to the canonical Trx enzymes. Indeed, XfYbbN was reduced by XfTrx reductase with a high catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km=1.27 x 10 7 M -1 .s -1 ), like the canonical XfTrx (XfTsnC). Furthermore, EcYbbN (as described before) and XfYbbN, but not PaYbbN displayed HOCl -induced holdase activity. Remarkably, EcYbbN gained disulfide reductase activity while lost the HOCl-activated chaperone function when the SQHC was replaced by CQHC. In contrast,the XfYbbN C40A mutant lost the disulfide reductase activity, while kept its HOCl-induced chaperone function. Finally, we generated a P. aeruginosa strain with the ybbN gene deleted, which did not present increased sensitivity to heat shock or to oxidants or to reductants. Altogether, our results suggest that different YbbN/CnoX proteins display distinct properties and activities, depending on the presence of the three conserved Cys residues.
Graphical AbstractAbbreviations TPR, tetratricopeptide repeat; NADPH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; Trx, thioredoxin; DTNB, 5,5-dithio-bis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid).
KeywordsThioredoxin, tetratricopeptide-repeat domain, oxidoreductase activity, chaperone/holdase activity.
Highlights-CXXC motif is required for the thiol-disulfide reductase activity of YbbN proteins. -XfYbbN and PaYbbN display thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase activity -The affinities of XfTrxR for XfYbbN and XfTsnC (canonical Trx) are comparable -XfYbbN and EcYbbN, but not PaYbbN, display holdase activity induced by hypochlorous acid -Engineering EcYbbN/CnoX by inserting a Cys residue in the SQHC motif resulted in a gain of function (thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase activity) and abolished the HOCl-induced holdase activity.