Let R be an associative ring with unity 1 and consider that 2, k and 2k ∈ N are invertible in R. For m ≥ 1 denote by U Tn(m, R) and U T∞(m, R), the subgroups of U Tn(R) and U T∞(R) respectively, which have zero entries on the first m − 1 super diagonals. We show that every element on the groups U Tn(m, R) and U T∞(m, R) can be expressed as a product of two commutators of involutions and also, can be expressed as a product of two commutators of skew-involutions and involutions in U T∞(m, R). Similarly, denote by U T (s) ∞ (R) the group of upper triangular infinite matrices whose diagonal entries are sth roots of 1. We show that every element of the groups U Tn(∞, R) and U T∞(m, R) can be expressed as a product of 4k − 6 commutators all depending of powers of elements in U T (k) ∞ (m, R) of order k and, also, can be expressed as a product of 8k − 6 commutators of skew finite matrices of order 2k and matrices of order 2k in U T (2k) ∞ (m, R). If R is the complex field or the real number field we prove that, in SLn(R) and in the subgroup SL V K (∞, R) of the Vershik-Kerov group over R, each element in these groups can be decomposed into a product of commutators of elements as described above.