The extracellular matrix plays important roles in embryogenesis. The integrin family of adhesion receptors may mediate critical cellular interactions with the extracellular matrix during development. In this study, we elucidated the developmental spatial and temporal expression pattern of the a2pl integrin heterodimer, a cell surface receptor for collagens and laminin. We generated reagents for studying the a2Pl integrin and examined the developmental expression of the integrin in postimplantation mice. A partial length murine a, cDNA was isolated and the protein encoding region was found to be 82% homologous to that of the human a2 cDNA. A synthetic peptide corresponding to the carboxy-terminus of murine a, was used to generate a,-specific antiserum. The antiserum and riboprobes derived from both the a, cDNA and the previously characterized murine P1 subunit cDNA were used to determine the spatiotemporal expression of the a, subunit by immunocytochemistry and of the a, and p1 mRNAs by in situ hybridization. Both approaches gave concordant results. Expression of the a, integrin subunit was observed in both the maternal and embryonic components of the placenta, namely the perivascular and basal zone decidual cells and decidual cells and spongiotrophoblasts at the maternavembryonic junction. Expression was also observed in cells actively producing and remodeling the extracellular matrix in the maternal uterus and in the developing gut, lens, cartilage, bone, and tooth of the embryo. Generally, expression of the a, integrin subunit was found in cells entering their later stages of differentiation such as in chondrocytes as they became hypertrophic, ameloblasts and odontoblasts as they became columnar and began to secrete the matrix of the tooth, endothelial cells after they formed tubules, in the lens just prior to and during lens fiber production, and in the collecting ducts of the kidney only after full gestation.