Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a heterogenous disease, with individual cases showing variability in clinical presentation, blast cell morphology, therapeutic response and long-term prognosis. This heterogeneity extends to the molecular genetic lesions underlying the pathogenesis of AML. Although nonrandom clonal chromosomal aberrations are present in the majority of cases, each abnormality affects only a limited subset of cases. Nonetheless, recent studies have demonstrated that several chromosomal rearrangements, and the molecular abnormalities they produce, identify distinct patient subgroups with predictable clinical features and therapeutic responses.One of the most frequent cytogenetic abnormalities in AML is t(8;21)(q22;q22). The cloning of the genes targeted by this translocation led to the identi®cation of AML1 as the DNA-binding subunit of the AML1/CBFb core binding factor transcription complex, a critical regulator of normal haemopoiesis. Subsequent studies have demonstrated that the genes encoding this transcription factor complex are the most common targets of chromosomal rearrangements in human leukaemia. In this review I will summarize our understanding of the normal function of AML1/CBFb in haemopoiesis, and will then describe the mechanism through which t(8;21) induces leukaemia. Throughout I will emphasize the clinical signi®cance of this genetic lesion and the general principles of haemopoietic transformation that have emerged from study of the activity of the encoded chimaeric oncoprotein.
Clinical features associated with t(8;21)-containing leukaemiaThe t(8;21) translocation is found in approximately 10±15% of AML cases and is frequently the only cytogenetic abnormality present in the leukaemic blasts (Hagemeijer et al, 1984;Bitter et al, 1987). Patients with this subtype of AML typically present with FAB AML-M2 morphology, in which the leukaemic blasts have prominent Auer rods, strong myeloperoxidase positivity, homogenous salmoncoloured granules, cytoplasmic vacuolization, and prominent bone marrow eosinophilia (Bitter et al, 1987). In addition, the leukaemic blasts frequently have a distinct immunophenotype, characterized by positivity for the B-cellassociated marker CD19, as well as CD13, CD34 and CD56 positivity (Hurwitz et al, 1992). This combination of ®ndings strongly suggests the presence of t(8;21). In fact, > 90% of t(8;21)-containing leukaemias have FAB AML-M2 morphology, and as many as 30±40% of FAB-M2 cases have this chromosomal translocation (Hagemeijer et al, 1984;Bitter et al, 1987). Interestingly, t(8;21)-containing leukaemias frequently form extramedullary tumours or chloromas (Swirsky et al, 1984). Despite this tendency for bulk disease, the presence of t(8;21) is associated with a high remission rate and prolonged disease-free survival in patients treated with standard induction and consolidation chemotherapy (Bloom®eld et al, 1998;Grimwade et al, 1998).
Identi®cation of genes targeted by t(8;21)The 8;21 translocation was molecularly cloned in 1991 and shown to rearrang...