Abstract. In vitro cell culture is a convenient tool for studying cellular mechanisms. In the present study, production of matrix-metalloproteinases (MMPs) in bovine endometrial (containing both epithelial and stromal cells) monolayer cells was examined. Blastocysts attached to the endometrial cells in a monolayer culture were examined for their effects on MMP-2 production. Initial attachment of blastocysts to the monolayer inhibited MMP-2 production by endometrial cells. But once trophoblast cells began to migrate into the endometrial cell layer, MMP-2 production increased, and at the same time MMP-9 production also became evident in the medium. In order to understand how blastocysts affected MMP-2 production, we examined the effect of progesterone, estradiol, insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), tumor necrosis factors (TNFs), and interferon-tau (IFN-τ) supplementation. It was IFN-τ that inhibited the production of MMP-2. In addition, progesterone at a lower dose appeared to inhibit MMP-2 production. Both TNF-α and TNF-β strongly stimulated the production of MMP-2 and MMP-9, whereas IGFs had no effect. Based on these findings, it appears that conceptus has the capacity to inhibit MMP activity. Key words: MMPs, Cytokine, Endometrium, Cell culture, Implantation (J. Reprod. Dev. 49: [45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53] 2003) any factors including proteases, growth factors, cytokines and steroid hormones play i m p or t an t r ol es i n t is s u e r em od e li n g a n d coordination of endometrial function, resulting in a suitable environment for embryo attachment during early pregnancy [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Asynchrony between the conceptus and endometrium causes failure of implantation, leading to early embryonic l o s s , s o th a t an at o m i c a l an d b i o c h e m i c a l modifications are essential for endometrial tissue remodeling and trophoblast development [7][8][9]. It is also w ell kn ow n th at r em odeli ng of the ext rac el lular m at rix (EC M) is es sen tial for implantation and placentation, as well as for inflammation, wound healing and tumorigenesis. The ECM is composed of various molecules including collagens, heparan sulfate proteoglycans and laminin and provides a suitable structural microenvironment for the embryo. It is necessary t h a t t h e E C M m u s t u n d e r g o p r o t e o l y t i c degradation during early pregnancy both in