Calcium ions are the most universal intracellular me~engers transmitting signals from the plasmalemma of excitable cells to the intracellular structures and triggering or modulating in this way moot cellular functions. The molecular mechanisms responsible for injection of Ca ions into the cytoplasm during cellular activity and for producing transient elevations of their cytoplasmic free level (calcium "transientS," or "signals") have been a subject of extensive investigation in numerous laboratories during last three decades. In a short review it is impossible to summarize the results obtained; two extensive publications on this subject have appeared already from our laboratory [1,2]. Therefore, here the main attention will be paid to the most recent data from our laboratory concerning different aspects of the mechanisms forming calcium signals in neuronal cells.
PLASMALEMMAL CALCIUM CHANNELSThe main source of Ca 2 § influx into a cell are the voltage-operated Ca channels (VOCC), which are subdivided into two main categories: high-and low-voltageactivated channels (HVA and LVA, respectively). The structural and functional characteristics of HVA Ca channels have been studied most extensively; they were separated into several distinct subtypes (L, N, P, Q, and R), and their principal at-subunits were isolated, sequenced, and cloned. Now the main interest shifts towards the search for effective and specific antagonists to these channels, their precise location and functional role in the neuronal structures, and physiological mechanisms of their modulation. In this respect, besides direct investigations on mammalian neurons both in I Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
191vitro and in situ (in brain slices), substantial progress can be achieved in hybrid ceil lines of a neuronal origin (which can express practically the whole spectrum of Ca channels) as well as on large identified invertebrate neurons. Thus, recent experiments on neuroblastoma/glioma cells (NG 108-15), which overexpress phosphatase-2B (calcineurin), have demonstrated the efficiency of permanent up-and down-regulation of Nand L-type Ca channels by a phosphorylating--dephosphorylatmg enzymatic mechanism; close co-localization of calcineurin and HVA Ca channels has been suggested [3]. Such co-localization has been in fact directly demonstrated on dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons [4]. On the other hand, investigations on identified snail neurons allowed us to demonstrate a negative feedback effect of elevation of [Ca2+l~ on this modulatory system: smaller elevations depressed channel phosphorylation by Ca2 § activation of phosphodiestherase (K a .-~ 0.04 /~M), while higher elevations directly dephosphorylated them through