Prohibitins in eukaryotes consist of two subunits (PHB1 and PHB2) that together form a high molecular weight complex in the mitochondrial inner membrane. The evolutionary conservation and the ubiquitous expression in mammalian tissues of the prohibitin complex suggest an important function among eukaryotes. The PHB complex has been shown to play a role in the stabilization of newly synthesized subunits of mitochondrial respiratory enzymes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have used Caenorhabditis elegans as model system to study the role of the PHB complex during development of a multicellular organism. We demonstrate that prohibitins in C. elegans form a high molecular weight complex in the mitochondrial inner membrane similar to that of yeast and humans. By using RNA-mediated gene inactivation, we show that PHB proteins are essential during embryonic development and are required for somatic and germline differentiation in the larval gonad. We further demonstrate that a deficiency in PHB proteins results in altered mitochondrial biogenesis in body wall muscle cells. This paper reports a strong loss of function phenotype for prohibitin gene inactivation in a multicellular organism and shows for the first time that prohibitins serve an essential role in mitochondrial function during organismal development.Prohibitins (Phb1p and Phb2p), referred to here as PHB proteins, are evolutionarily strongly conserved proteins that are located in mitochondria in yeast, plants, and mammals (1-6). In mammalian and yeast cells, it has been demonstrated that PHB proteins associate with each other to form a high molecular weight complex (the PHB complex) in the mitochondrial inner membrane (5, 6). Although diverse cellular functions have been attributed to both PHB proteins (see Ref. 7 for a review), such as a role in cell cycle regulation (8 -11) and in cell surface signaling (12, 13), these functions are difficult to reconcile with the exclusive localization of mammalian PHB proteins to mitochondria (1, 3). To date, studies on the yeast PHB complex have provided convincing evidence for a direct role in mitochondrial function. The PHB complex has been found to co-purify with the m-AAA (matrix-ATPase associated with a variety of cellular activities) protease, and a role as a negative regulator of the protease has been proposed (5). Yeast PHB proteins are capable of stabilizing newly synthesized mitochondrially encoded proteins through direct interaction, suggesting a role in mitochondrial respiratory complex assembly (5, 6). We have suggested a role for PHB proteins in the biogenesis of mitochondria as a holdase/unfoldase type of protein specifically required in situations of metabolic stress (6). Based on structural data from chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry, we predict a barrel-like structure for the yeast PHB complex, in the cavity of which mitochondrial products might be held (14).At the phenotypic level, disruption of PHB genes in yeast results in a shortening of the replicative life span due to premature...