The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of higher eukaryotic cells is a dynamic network of interconnected membrane tubules that pervades almost the entire cytoplasm. On the basis of the morphological changes induced by the disruption of the cytoskeleton or molecular motor proteins, the commonly accepted model has emerged that microtubules and conventional kinesin (kinesin-1) are essential determinants in establishing and maintaining the structure of the ER by active membrane expansion. Surprisingly, very similar ER phenotypes have now been observed when the cytoskeleton-linking ER membrane protein of 63 kDa (CLIMP-63) is mutated, revealing stable attachment of ER membranes to the microtubular cytoskeleton as a novel requirement for ER maintenance. Additional recent findings suggest that ER maintenance also requires ongoing homotypic membrane fusion, possibly controlled by the p97/p47/VICP135 protein complex. Work on other proteins proposed to regulate ER structure, including huntingtin, the EF-hand Ca 2þ -binding protein p22, the vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein B and kinectin isoforms further contribute to the new emerging concept that ER shape is not only determined by motor driven processes but by a variety of different mechanisms. Endoplasmic Reticulum -Microtubule ConnectionThe endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a membrane-bound organelle present in all eukaryotic cells. It synthesizes lipids as well as secretory and membrane proteins, and ensures subsequent post-translational processing and quality control of the proteins (1-3). In addition, the ER is a multifunctional signaling organelle that controls entry and release of calcium, sterol biosynthesis, apoptosis and the release of arachidonic acid (4). The ER of higher eukaryotes comprises three main subdomains: the nuclear envelope, the ribosome-bound rough ER and the ribosome-free smooth ER. Both the absolute and relative abundance of rough and smooth ER varies with the cell type. ER membranes form flattened sheets, cisternae and tubules. In well-spread areas of the cell periphery, these tubules can be seen using light microscopy to form an irregular polygonal network with characteristic three-way junctions (5-7). Despite its complex organization, the ER is a continuous membrane compartment (8). The function of the cytoskeleton in ER architecture has been investigated in numerous studies, which revealed that microtubules (MTs) and ER are highly interdependent structures. Accordingly, the ER network retracts to the cell center in a number of experimental conditions that affect MTs or MT-associated proteins. These conditions include the depolymerization of the MT cytoskeleton by drugs or low temperature (9), the suppression of the heavy chain of the MT plus-end-directed motor protein kinesin (10) and the overexpression of the MT-associated protein tau that probably impedes kinesin-mediated transport (11). In addition, the extension of ER membranes along MTs has been imaged using video microscopy both in vivo (12) and in cell-free systems, where thi...