The embryonic diencephalon gives rise to the vertebrate thalamus and hypothalamus, which play essential roles in sensory information processing and control of physiological homeostasis and behavior, respectively. In this review, we present new steps toward characterizing the molecular pathways that control development of these structures, based on findings in a variety of model organisms. We highlight advances in understanding how early regional patterning is orchestrated through the action of secreted signaling molecules such as Sonic hedgehog and fibroblast growth factors. We address the role of individual transcription factors in control of the regional identity and neural differentiation within the developing diencephalon, emphasizing the contribution of recent large-scale gene expression studies in providing an extensive catalog of candidate regulators of hypothalamic neural cell fate specification. Finally, we evaluate the molecular mechanisms involved in the experience-dependent development of both thalamo-cortical and hypothalamic neural circuitry.
IntroductionThe developing vertebrate forebrain consists of two major parts: the telencephalon-which gives rise to cerebral cortex, striatum, amygdala, and associated structures-and the diencephalon. The diencephalon gives rise to two essential brain regions, the thalamus and hypothalamus (Fig. 1 A). Though both structures are derived from a common region of the anterior neural tube, they serve very different physiological functions. The thalamus acts as a central integrator of sensory information, receiving afferents from receptors of all sensory modalities save olfaction, and serves as the sole path by which integrated sensory information reaches the cerebral cortex and gives rise to conscious perception. The hypothalamus, on the other hand, serves a more diverse range of functions. It is a central regulator of critical homeostatic physiological processes, including temperature regulation, food intake,