In automata theory, the quantum computation has been widely examined for finite state machines, known as quantum finite automata (QFAs), and less attention has been given to the QFAs augmented with counters or stacks. Moreover, to our knowledge, there is no result related to QFAs having more than one input head. In this paper, we focus on such generalizations of QFAs whose input head(s) operate(s) in one-way or realtime mode and present many superiority of them to their classical counterparts. Furthermore, we propose some open problems and conjectures in order to investigate the power of quantumness better. We also give some new results on classical computation. keywords: quantum computation, randomization, quantum automata, pushdown automaton, blind counter automaton, multihead finite automaton, nondeterminism, bounded error * This work was partially supported by TÜBİTAK with grant 108E142 and FP7 FET-Open project QCS.1 They are also known as quantum Turing machines with constant space.
2Abuzer Yakaryılmaz not reflect the full power of quantum computation [34]. Therefore, we use "modern" definitions for the quantum models (e.g. [4,15]).After a concise background given in Section 2, we present our results in Section 3, in which we classify the results under four subsections: (3.1) nondeterminism, (3.2) blind counter automata, (3.3) multihead finite automata, and (3.4) multihead pushdown automata.
BackgroundWe specifically give the definitions of three models in order to trace the proofs presented in the paper: generalized finite automaton, one-way quantum finite automaton, and realtime quantum automaton with one-blind counter. The quantum models are defined based on a generic template that is given in Subsection (3.2). We refer the reader to [10,14,16,27,31] for the definitions of classical machines; to [15,42] for the definitions of the QFAs generalizing their classical counterparts; and, to [25] for a standard reference of quantum computation.Throughout the paper, we use the following notations: Σ not containing ¢ and $ (the left and right end-markers) denotes the input alphabet;Σ = Σ ∪ {¢, $}; Q is the set of (internal) states; q 0 ∈ Q is the initial state; Q a ⊆ Q is the set of accepting states; δ is the transition function; f M (w) is the accepting probability (or value) of machine M on w; w i is the i th symbol of w; |w| is the length of w; |w| σ is the number of the occurrence of σ in w, where w ∈ Σ * . The list of abbreviations used for models is given below:• the prefixes "1" and "rt" stand for one-way 2 and realtime 3 input head(s), respectively;• the letters "D", "N", "P", and "Q" used after "1" or "rt" stand for deterministic, nondeterministic, probabilistic, and quantum, respectively;• the abbreviations "FA", "kFA", "PDA", "PDkA", and "kBCA" stand for finite automaton, finite automaton with k input heads, pushdown automaton, pushdown automaton with k input heads, and automaton with k blind counter(s), respectively, where k > 0.For all models (except GFAs), the input w ∈ Σ * is placed on a read-only t...