This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the Extended First-Come, First-Served (EFCFS) scheduler for integrated arrival and departure scheduling by comparing the scheduling results with the recorded operational data at Incheon International Airport (ICN), Republic of Korea. The EFCFS scheduler can handle multiple capacity- or flow-rate-related constraints along the path of each flight, which is represented by a node–link graph structure, and can solve large-scale problems with low computational cost. However, few studies have attempted a systematic verification of the EFCFS scheduler by comparing the scheduling results with historical operational data. In this paper, flights are scheduled between gates and runways on the airport surface with detailed constraints such as runway wake turbulence separation minima and conflict-free taxiing. The scheduler is tested using historical flight data from 15 August 2022 at ICN. The input schedule is generated based on the flight plan data extracted from the Flight Operation Information System (FOIS) and airport surface detection equipment data, and the results are compared with the times extracted from the FOIS data. The scheduling results for 500 aircraft show that the average takeoff delay is reduced by about 19 min, while the average landing delay is increased by less than one minute when the gate occupancy constraint is not considered. The results also confirm that the EFCFS effectively utilizes the available time slots to reduce delays by switching the original departure or arrival orders for a small number of flights.