We consider a warm inflationary scenario in which the two major fluid components of the early Universe, the scalar field and the radiation fluid, evolve with distinct four-velocities. This cosmological configuration is equivalent to a single anisotropic fluid, expanding with a four-velocity that is a combination of the two fluid four-velocities. Due to the presence of anisotropies the overall cosmological evolution is also anisotropic. We obtain the gravitational field equations of the non-comoving scalar field–radiation mixture for a Bianchi Type I geometry. By assuming the decay of the scalar field, accompanied by a corresponding radiation generation, we formulate the basic equations of the warm inflationary model in the presence of two non-comoving components. By adopting the slow-roll approximation the theoretical predictions of the warm inflationary scenario with non-comoving scalar field and radiation fluid are compared in detail with the observational data obtained by the Planck satellite in both weak dissipation and strong dissipation limits, and constraints on the free parameters of the model are obtained. The functional forms of the scalar field potentials compatible with the non-comoving nature of warm inflation are also obtained.