Several approaches to quantum gravity suggest that Lorentz invariance will be broken at high energy. This can lead to modified dispersion relations for wave propagation, which can be concretely realized in effective field theories where the equation of motion involves higher order spatial derivatives in a preferred frame. We consider such a model in the presence of a finite cavity whose walls follow parallel inertial trajectories of speed v with respect to the preferred frame. We find evidence that when the cavity wall speed exceeds the phase velocity, the system becomes classically unstable. For dispersion relations that do not lead to an instability, the energy levels of the cavity are non-trivial functions of v. In other words, an observer could in principle measure their velocity with respect to the preferred frame by studying the energy spectra of a quantum cavity, which is a stark violation of the principle of relativity. We also find that the energy levels of the cavity become infinitely large as its velocity approaches light speed.