We refer to our recent calculations (Eur. Phys. J. B, 86, 252 (2013)) of metallization pressure of the three-dimensional simple-cubic crystal of atomic hydrogen and study the effect on the crucial results concocting from approximating the 1s Slater-type orbital function with a series of p Gaussians. As a result, we find the critical metallization pressure pC = 102 GP a. The latter part is a discussion of the influence of zero-point motion on the stabilizing pressure. We show that in our model the estimate magnitude of zero-point motion carries a little effect on the critical metallization pressure at zero temperature. In the series of papers 10-12 , we have conducted model calculations combining both the Mott 5 and the Hubbard 13 aspects of the phase transition, within the extended Hubbard model, with a simultaneous renormalization of the single-particle Wannier basis, connecting first-and second-quantization approach. In 12 we obtained, using proposed model, the critical metallization pressure p C = 97.7 GP a required to stabilize the atomic-hydrogen-like crystal, while having both the Mott (n 1/3 C a B ≈ 0.2) and the Hubbard (U ≈ W ) criteria satisfied at the same time. Thus, those two criteria represent two sides of the same coin.Ever since Ashcroft proposed an explanation for grater-than-expected magnetic field of Jovian planets 14 by applying the BCS theory to the metallic hydrogen, the pursuit of the metallization of this element began. Predicted by Wigner and Huntington in 1935 15 the conducting phase of hydrogen is claimed to have various properties, including hypothesis of being superconducting up to the room temperature 14 .In this paper we briefly describe the model in Section II. Then in Section III we review the validity of approximations made in 12 and show that they were in fact sufficient (explicitly redoing all calculations and showing no qualitative changes). We also show that both Mott and Hubbard criteria of localization-delocalization transition are satisfied. In Section IV we estimate the magnitude of zero-point motion energy, omitted in our calculations to test the strength of our results, keeping in mind the possibility of quantum melting of hydrogen.
II. MODELWe start with the extended Hubbard Hamiltonian describing a single-band hydrogen system 10-12 :where t ij is the hopping integral, U the intraatomic interaction magnitude, a the atomic energy per site, and 2/R ij = 2|R j − R i | −1 ion-ion interaction corresponding to the classical Coulomb repulsion (in atomic units).We have the total number of electrons N e = i n i , and define the deviation from one-electron-per-atom configuration δn i = n i − 1. We rearrangeFor half band-filling n = N e /N = 1 the latter part disappears, and we can write i