IntroductionOSTBC have full diversity ( )n n , but have little or no coding gain. To provide both diversity and coding gain that can specify a spacetime code that has an in-built channel coding mechanism then example space-time trellis codes, or one can choose a space-time block code concatenated with an outer channel code. Borran et al.[1] discussed design issues of concatenating channel codes with OSTBC. They show that design issues in maximizing diversity gain, and maximizing coding gain can be decoupled. Appropriate to that effortlessness, that structure has been accepted, e.g. in WCDMA standard. Design of concatenated trellis coded inflection (TCM) and OSTBC, and also show that that scheme outperforms space-time trellis codes with the same spectral efficiency, trellis complexity and signal constellation. That gives a new view of OSTBC over fading channel as an equivalent SISO channel. By means of that corresponding channel model, they give analytical evaluation of error probability, without considering the effect of block fading (which is typically assumed for linear decoding of STBC). To the give error bounds for MTCM-STBC under Rician Fading. However, interleaving does not appear in their analysis. Union bounds for channel codes and Alamouti signaling for temporally correlated and i.i.d channel. But again, the block fading assumption is absent in his analysis. None of the above mentioned works discuss spatially correlated fading. Simulate concatenated convolutional/turbo codes with two temporally and spatially correlated antennas in the structure of WCDMA, but do not present any investigation.