SummaryThis article is based on the first study worldwide to analyze materials present in the equipment of data centers. The study develops a methodology that allows the calculation of the number of data centers of the various size classes and their average equipment with information technology (IT) components and infrastructure elements, such as air-conditioning systems and power supplies. This enables detailed statements to be made on the materials present in the equipment of approximately 53,000 data centers in Germany. In 2008, the total amount of materials in the equipment of data centers in Germany was 110,300 tonnes (t). IT equipment (servers, storage equipment, and network) accounted for 37,500 t (34%), racks and containments for 30,700 t (28%), cooling and air-conditioning systems for 12,000 t (11%), and the power infrastructure for 30,000 t (27%). A comprehensive analysis of the type of materials being used yielded the following values: Approximately 58,400 t of iron, 18,600 t of copper, 11,600 t of circuit boards, 11,100 t of plastics, 7,400 t of aluminum, and 6,500 t of miscellaneous materials were present in German data centers. The electronic material contained 1.8 t of gold, 7.5 t of silver, and 0.8 t of palladium. Because it can be assumed that prices for precious metals, and also for bulk metals, will continue to rise, the recovery of raw materials from the IT devices of data centers is an interesting option. Additionally, the development of appropriate product design and recycling strategies for servers and storage units should be implemented.