Holograms are relatively new technologies that can be used in university lectures. They enhance the learning experience by adding highly detailed three-dimensional (3D) visualization of objects and environments, which leads to more engagement of students and teachers. Particularly in mining engineering education, holograms have great potential to achieve learning goals, where students often struggle with understanding complex 3D concepts. When implementing new technologies in lectures, there is a must to consider the perception of students and teachers, as well as the didactical and technical requirements of courses. The consideration of these aspects ensures an effective learning environment. This paper presents the concept of three holo-modules with gamification features designed with the main goal of supporting the learning and understanding of mining engineering content. The different conceptual modules have been developed based on different learning objectives extracted from teaching requirements and technical aspects of the lectures. The results show a requirements analysis performed and the prototypes designed to integrate a hologram table in different teaching setups, such as seminars, group work, and frontal lectures.