Autonomous mobile robots need to be equipped with appropriate planification and control navigation systems in order to obtain safe behaviours. This study aims at implementing on a two wheeled mobile robot a robust autonomous navigation planning algorithm, which guarantees a safe and reliable path. First, making use of all the facilities that robot operating systems (ROS) middleware and the open motion planning library (OMPL) can offer an autonomous architecture is implemented on a mobile robot, with planning and control navigation systems adapted to the investigated problem. The planning navigation system make use of the widely-used Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm, while the control navigation level is based the go-to-goal strategy. As a novelty, a reliable and safe navigation planning algorithm based on RRT principles, e.g., BoxRRT, and solved in an interval analysis framework, proposed in a one of our recent study is tested on a mobile robot platform. Through experiments, we demonstrate the utility of using such robust navigation planner in an autonomous navigation architecture, where uncertain localization is considered.