We rederive the Schrödinger-Robertson uncertainty principle for the position and momentum of a quantum particle. Our derivation does not directly employ commutation relations, but works by reduction to an eigenvalue problem related to the harmonic oscillator, which can then be further exploited to find a larger class of constrained uncertainty relations. We derive an uncertainty relation under the constraint of a fixed degree of Gaussianity and prove that, remarkably, it is saturated by all eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator. This goes beyond the common knowledge that the (Gaussian) ground state of the harmonic oscillator saturates the uncertainty relation. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle [1] captures the difference between classical and quantum states, and sets a limit on the precision of incompatible quantum measurements. It has been introduced in the early days of quantum mechanics, but its form has evolved with the understanding and formulation of quantum physics throughout the years. The first rigorous mathematical proof of Heisenberg's uncertainty relation for the canonical operators of positionx and momentump [7] for more details), while the properties of the states saturating this inequality were also progressively unveiled. The original uncertainty relation (1) only concerned the operatorsx andp, but it was generalized to any pair of Hermitian operators by Schrödinger [8] and Robertson [9], in the case of pure states. In the same works, the anticommutator ofx andp was also included in Eq. (1), yielding a stronger uncertainty relation, (1) and (2) inx andp and the fact that we deal with the quadratic Hamiltonian of a harmonic oscillator. Then, we move on to find bounded uncertainty relations [15], which give stronger bounds than Eq. (2) for states on which some a priori information is known, such as their purity [7] or entropy [16]. Specifically, we derive a Gaussianity-bounded uncertainty relation, depending on the degree of Gaussianity of the state as measured by a parameter g that we introduce. We identify its corresponding set of MSs and find among them all the eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator. This yields a fundamental set of non-Gaussian minimum-uncertainty states, going beyond the common knowledge on the Heisenberg principle.Although the uncertainty relations, being at the root of quantum mechanics, have been investigated in various situations, such as multidimensional [17,18] or mixed states [7,16,19], our results imply that there is more to gain by analyzing them under the perspective of the Gaussian character of a state. Non-Gaussian states of light can now be handled in the laboratory [20][21][22][23][24][25] and have been proven essential in the field of continuous-variable quantum information [26][27][28][29][30], but they remain hard to classify. Identifying states of minimum uncertainty among them may lead to a better understanding of the structure of the state space in infinite dimension and, since the Heisenberg principle is at the heart of the limitations on measurement...