“…Some solutions to this problem, from Grothendieck's first ideas until nowadays, are known in some particular relevant cases that we briefly recall: Grothendieck proved that, possibly after extending scalars, the problem has a solution when G is a constant finite group, S is the spectrum of a complete discrete valuation ring with algebraically closed residue field of positive characteristic p, with X proper and smooth over S with geometrically connected fibers and p ∤ |G| ( [10], Exposé X); when S is the spectrum of a discrete valuation ring of residue characteristic p, X is a proper and smooth curve over S then Raynaud suggested a solution, possibly after extending scalars, for |G| = p ( [19], §3); when S is the spectrum of a discrete valuation ring R of mixed characteristic (0, p) Tossici provided a solution, possibly after extending scalars, for G commutative when X is a regular scheme, faithfully flat over S, with some extra assumptions on X and Y ( [21], Corollary 4.2.8). Finally in [4], §3.2 and §3.3 the first author provided a solution for G commutative, when S is a connected Dedekind scheme and f : X → S is a smooth morphism satisfying additional assumptions (in this last case it is not needed to extend scalars) and in [3] the case where G is solvable is treated. However a general solution does not exist.…”