In modular multilevel converters (MMCs), tem-5 perature control of semiconductor devices in the submod-6 ules (SMs) is a key factor for the safe and reliable opera-7 tion. Under normal operation, significant temperature differ-8 ences can exist between SMs due to, for example, aging of 9 semiconductor modules and module parameter mismatch. 10 This paper presents a method for achieving SM thermal bal-11 ancing by controlling the capacitor voltage of each SM in an 12 arm, while maintaining the sum of the SM capacitor voltages 13 at a constant value in order to regulate the dc-link voltage. 14 The proposed temperature balancing strategy is validated 15 using an experimental MMC setup with three SMs, where an 16 increase in the thermal resistance to ambient of one or more 17 SM semiconductors is created by restricting coolant flow to 18 simulate a partial failure in the cooling system. Increases 19 in the thermal resistance by 21% and 42%, corresponding 20 to temperature increases of 5 and 10 • C, respectively, are 21 managed by three SMs, using a capacitor voltage margin of 22 60%. 23 Index Terms-Capacitor voltage balancing, electronics 24 cooling, modular multilevel converter (MMC), power semi-25 conductor devices, temperature control, thermal manage-26 ment of electronics. 27 I. INTRODUCTION 28 M ODULAR multilevel converters (MMCs) are a widely 29 used voltage source converter (VSC) topology for 30 medium voltage drives [1] and high-voltage direct current 31 (HVdc) transmission systems [2]. For industrial applications [3], 32 dozens or even hundreds of submodules (SMs), each support-33 ing a few kilovolts, are employed to produce a quasi-sinusoidal 34 voltage waveform from a dc-link. This SM-based structure dis-35 tributes the stored energy across the SM capacitors instead of 36