“…4 Using the method of direct separation of motions and the Poincare-Lyapunov small-parameter method, Blekhman proposed the synchronization theory of vibrating machines with two or more URs and has successfully solved a number of self-synchronization, such as self-synchronization of the unbalanced and planetary URs on a flatly oscillating solid body, self-synchronization of the URs on the spatially oscillating softly vibrato-isolated solid body, selfsynchronization of the URs in the carrying vibrating systems with collisions of the bodies, and so on. [4][5][6][7][8] In view of engineering applications, Chinese Scholar Wen applied such methods to develop the theories of selfsynchronization of two URs in vibrating systems of circular motion, linear motion, centroid rotation motion, and spatial motion and established a branch of vibration utilization engineering. [9][10][11][12] The key to develop vibrating machines with multiple URs lies in the fact that the coupling characteristics of the system and its internal law of the distribution of energy must be understood perfectly.…”