The correlation-based γ-Re θt transition model has been extended to include crossflow transition effects. This paper will detail a new empirical correlation for stationary crossflow transition based strictly on local flow quantities and the implementation into the γ-Re θt model. This new correlation for crossflow is based on the well known 45° swept NLF(2)-0415 airfoil experiment including surface roughness effects. Linear-stability predictions were also used to augment the new correlation to account for variations in the sweep angle and crossflow strength. The improved transition model has shown encouraging results for transitional flows dominated by crossflow and a number of validation test cases will be shown in this paper. Most importantly, the model maintains its compatibility and ease of implementation with modern CFD techniques such as unstructured grids and massively parallel execution. There is a strong potential that this improved transtion model will allow the 1 st order effects of transition, including crossflow, to be included in everyday industrial CFD simulations.
NomenclatureAoA = Angle of attach (deg.) C f = skin friction coefficient, τ/(0.5ρU ref 2 ) dU/ds = acceleration along the streamline direction FSTI = freestream turbulence intensity (percent), 100(2k/3) 1/2 /U ref h rms = Surface roughness height (rms) k = turbulent kinetic energy Re x = Reynolds number, ρLU ref /μ Re θ = momentum thickness Reynolds number, ρθU 0 /μ Re θt = transition onset momentum thickness Reynolds number (based on freestream conditions), ρθ t U 0 /μ t e R = local transition onset momentum thickness Reynolds number (obtained from a transport equation) R T = viscosity ratio R y = wall-distance based turbulent Reynolds number R v = vorticity Reynolds number S = absolute value of strain rate, (2S ij S ij ) 1/2 S ij = strain rate tensor, 0.5(∂u i /∂x j + ∂u j /∂x i ) Tu = turbulence intensity, 100(2k/3) 1/2 /U U = local velocity U o = local freestream velocity U ref = inlet reference velocity = unit velocity vector u' = local fluctuating streamwise velocity x/C = axial distance over axial chord 1 Senior Engineer, Flight Sciences, Boeing Commercial Airplanes -Seattle, WA, USA, and AIAA member.2 y = distance to nearest wall y + = distance in wall coordinates, ρyμ τ /μ δ = boundary layer thickness θ = momentum thickness λ θ = pressure gradient parameter, (ρθ 2 /μ)(dU/ds) μ = molecular viscosity μ t = eddy viscosity ρ = density τ = wall shear stress Ω = absolute value of vorticity, (2Ω ij Ω ij ) 1/2 Ω ij = vorticity tensor, 0.5(∂u i /∂x j -∂u j /∂x i ) = vorticity vector, = specific turbulence dissipation rate Subscripts t = transition onset s = streamline